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cheap mac makeup  all the visitors


The beauty department staff arrive at the store dressed to kill and show off their makeup theatrical skills. To begin with you can't go past William the Makeup Artist from YSL who every year puts in so much effort that he is constantly photographed by cheap mac makeup  all the visitors. In 2009 William came as " Zoro", mask and whip in hand he moved with a great flourish around the YSL counter, in 2010 he delighted the crowd as the "Mad Hatter" and this year he paid homage to "Puss in Boots" meowing and lifting his sword high. At YSL this year they continued to promote their SHOCKING line of makeup and their new skin care TOP SECRETS which has become so popular for YSL at Macy's.

Estee Lauder who have a large counter and a great team, there was Dawn who came as "Mystique X Men", with her body encased in a bluish rubber suit, wholesale mac cosmetics completed with a face of blue makeup, and small eyelash extensions patterned over her cheeks, deep dark red hair pulled away from her face, she was a popular icon photographed by the crowds. So was Brittany dressed from the Rock Horror Show, she always puts in an iconic appearance every year, Brittany photographed with Jessica who was a nun having a real devil of a time.

Denisse also with Lauder dressed as the iconic Natalie Portman from the Black Swan, wearing her black tutu and exaggerated eye makeup mac concealer stick, stood with Laura as they highlighted the newEstee Lauder "Idealist Even Skintone Illuminator" a perfect product to use after you take off that Halloween makeup.

Bobbi Brown was fortunate enough to have one of the "Commodores" at the counter by courtesy of their makeup artist Jose Freeman who stood by Bobbi Brown's "Mineral Makeup Reinvented" to give Macys customers a new look from a classic stand by,Mac Makeup Eye Pencil playing a really cool makeup artist at Bobbi Brown. Over at Sue Devitt, Cary their makeup artist introduced the Nordic Trek Line of lipsticks, eyeliners and quad shadows from Sue Devitt, he was made up head to toe and sporting a perfect set of long nails which a lot of Macys customers admired while he showed the new Nordic Trek Line to mesmerized customers.

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